This hazardous weather outlook is for extreme southwest Nebraska... northwest Kansas and east central Colorado. .DAY ONE...THIS AFTERNOON AND TONIGHT... A Winter Weather Advisory is in effect for Kit Carson and Cheyenne counties in Colorado, Sherman, Thomas, Wallace, Logan, Greeley and Wichita counties in Kansas through 11 PM MST (midnight CST). There is a chance for freezing rain for locations generally along and south of Interstate 70. If the freezing rain does occur, ice accumulations could range from a trace to a tenth of an inch. A few degrees change in temperatures will determine if ice occurs or not so be alert for changing conditions through the day. Be alert for slick roadways from freezing rain and or liquid that freezes on surfaces tonight. Snow is forecast to develop this afternoon, mainly in eastern Colorado but extending into northwest Kansas and parts of extreme southwest Nebraska late this evening. Visibility may lower to a mile or less at times depending on snowfall rates. .DAYS TWO THROUGH SEVEN...THURSDAY THROUGH WEDNESDAY... Ice from mixed precipitation is possible Thursday morning, mainly for areas east of Highway 83. Snow will also be possible for locations along and west of Highway 83. Be alert for slick roads from either new precipitation or any precipitation that fell and froze on Wednesday. .SPOTTER INFORMATION STATEMENT... Spotter activation will not be needed. We would appreciate reports of freezing drizzle, freezing rain and snow via telephone and social media.