Weather Alerts
One of my hobbies is running the JAZweb Weather Center. Through this, I provide email, SMS, and phone call alerts to friends, family, and members of the community. Check back later for more weather information.
Work Projects
I really enjoy some of the projects that I get involved in at work as an electrical engineer for a couple small electric power cooperatives. Check back later for more on some of these projects.
Life Lessons in Camping
Camping is a fun hobby. Winter camping in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado brings new challenges. We tend to learn new life lessons...things like the challenges of trying to get the oil out of the bottle when it's below zero.
Since 1993
More to come...
Thanks for visiting my website. I am still in the process of putting this together, so it is a bit lacking in content for the moment. However, I do plan to add a few galleries for some of my work projects and camping adventures as well as just photos from around Northeastern Colorado, which is admittedly not as well known as the mountain areas, but still has its own charm.
Please check back from time to time and see what all has been added. Meanwhile, feel free to enjoy this photo of a tiny jack-o-lantern (made out of a real pumpkin, no less). The standard-sized battery powered tea light is included for a size reference.