This hazardous weather outlook is for extreme southwest Nebraska... northwest Kansas and east central Colorado.  .DAY ONE...TODAY AND TONIGHT...  Breezy northwest winds gusting around 35 mph will be common across the entire area today, creating the potential for fire to spread should one begin. Locations west of a Trenton, Nebraska to Leoti, Kansas line is forecast to see the lowest relative humidity resulting in a relatively higher potential for fire starts  .DAYS TWO THROUGH SEVEN...SATURDAY THROUGH THURSDAY...  Elevated to near critical fire weather conditions will be possible Saturday and Sunday due to low humidity, gusty winds, and dry fuels.  Near critical to critical fire weather conditions will be possible Monday and possibly Tuesday as well, with low humidity and stronger winds both days.  A cold front will move through the area on Tuesday, bringing colder temperatures and a chance for light snow from Tuesday afternoon through Wednesday morning.  .SPOTTER INFORMATION STATEMENT...  Spotter activation is not currently anticipated.  

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