This hazardous weather outlook is for extreme southwest Nebraska... northwest Kansas and east central Colorado. .DAY ONE...TODAY AND TONIGHT... Patchy to locally dense fog is covering locations along and east of an area from highway 25. This fog will reduce visibilities an make travel more difficult. This fog is slowly lifting and is expected to pose little risk by 3 PM CST. .DAYS TWO THROUGH SEVEN...MONDAY THROUGH SUNDAY... A High Wind Watch has been issued for Kit Carson and Cheyenne counties in Colorado. Northerly winds gusting near 55 MPH are possible starting late Monday morning into the late afternoon hours. Yuma county and counties in western Kansas could also experience winds gusting over 40 mph. Colder temperatures and a chance for accumulating snow arrives late in the work week. Friday-Saturday morning wind chill readings may fall into the single digits above and below zero. .SPOTTER INFORMATION STATEMENT... Spotter activation is not expected for today or tonight.